Schools Starting to Get the Big Picture on Jobs Education
- Author: Chris Remington
- Posted: 2024-12-06
The average public school in America is seriously under the gun from parents due to a range of things from the poor performance of teachers to mask mandates and sociopolitical activism being forced on children as young as five years old. In other words, the average American's opinion of public school is at an all-time low, and more people are homeschooling their children now than at any point in the nation's history since public schools became a thing. Teachers are making more money than ever; schools have more funding than ever; while students are doing more poorly than ever. Many activists and politicians put the blame on bad parents and tech keeping kids distracted, if they're not outright blaming the mythical 'white supremacy' for evidently changing the numbers in math books, or whatever they come up with this week. The point being that kids are failing in schools, and parents blame the schools while the power structure blames everything but the schools and teachers. Forget the political bickering for a minute. What are schools actually doing to help kids?
Well, in places like Richmond County, Georgia, public schools are accepting responsibility and are deciding to update the curriculum of children in schools by teaching them about the current economy. Instead of focusing on advanced English or different sorts of social justice-based electives, Georgia has decided that students should be learning about computer science and coding and things that will matter for the economy and for their futures once they graduate. This is quite the welcomed break for a lot of parents, and it's something that the students themselves seem to be a lot more excited about.
Of course, most schools are still embroiled in issues like masks and black lives matter education and the hot-button topic over critical race theory (CRT), but at least in one Georgia county, they have put all of that aside and have decided to teach kids how to actually get a job when they graduate. Proponents of this idea point out how obvious it should be. 'Schools are supposed to teach your kids how to get a job in the American economy,' one mother stated. 'What took them so long to realize that?'
Social Issues In the Way
One of the biggest reasons that children are failing in schools today is that they're not learning anything knowledge-based, and there are literally thousands of teachers who brag about this change of pace on Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok and more platforms. These grown adults, paid to teach English, math and science, instead make the unilateral decision to teach about how white people have been historically racist, or how children should question their gender and perhaps decide they don't want to be what they were 'assigned at birth.' To a lot of people reading this, it may come across as some wild fiction. However, it's entirely factual. These teachers openly brag about their activism. They're proud that instead of teaching kids about math, they're teaching them that black children are historically oppressed and white kids are responsible.
These social issues are in the way of progress in schools. Not because they would be taught to kids, but rather because teachers are not doing what they're paid to do and are instead deciding to be dictators in the classroom while shoving these issues down childrens' throats without consent from the parents. So there hasn't been a focus on preparing children to get jobs in America's economy once they graduate. The push has been to teach kids 'to be more tolerant,' as the activist teachers put it.
Tolerance has its merits, to be sure, but teaching activism instead of teaching kids how to adjust and prepare for an economy where they will need a job is something that has set American schools back decades.
The Future is Stubbornly Persistent
There is a time and a place to teach these social issues to children, like in classes named "Social Studies," for starters. In math or English class? It's very frightening to many parents that teachers are allowed to do this and to be paid for it. At least in Georgia, what parents are starting to see more of is an education that is geared toward helping their children grow up to get jobs when they graduate.
Being tolerant of other people isn't going to pay your rent once you graduate. Most people are going to need a job, and it can't be put more simply than that.